2019 Haunts

     That day finally has come, Hauntlings. The day I’d known for decades would come:
had to either sell, store, loan or gift all my hauntstuff. All the masks, lighting, fog machines
(and gallons of premium fogger and hazer juice), makeup, clothing,
bones, skeletons, sound
designs and audio gear, bodies, everything. Even my last Halloween Tree.

      Why, you ask? Because I’m about to get my PhD and likely move overseas to
teach. And Europeans don’t generally do haunted houses (YET, haha). So, rather
than sell all this stuff–and the unique backgrounds and Hollywood stories that come with them–
for pennies on the dollar, I decided to lend it all to my good friend and enthusiastic
haunterpreneur himself, John Magee, in Missoula. His big ol’ scary looking house (as
seen in quite a few pics throughout this site) just got a bit more, ah, populated.
      If/when I return from Europe, he and I will be able to use them for our own future
or rent them out to other pro haunts around the country. OR, hopefully, if I find
the right 
conditions to do a Eurohaunt (TM), I’ll have it shipped there.  I’ll also gather
up more of my
stuff around Arizona and California where a lot more is stored.
     ’til then, I’ll try to update this site more often, posting more writings, games, music, etc.

     Either way it’s strange not seeing a metric ton of hauntstuff around my place all
’round.  But it’s a load off, too. Thanks again, John!    

     Over the past two+ decades of my haunts,  below is what’s left. 
      I’d sold most of my fog machines, countless props and masks, and literally tons of things.
I’ve also lost (due to theft or my abandoning) SO many things, like hundreds of yards of
cheesecloth, the animatronics, webbing, several miners’ lamps I’d dug up in the desert, netting,
and other materials. I’d always preferred NOT to use black plastic (too generic, but man
it’s cheap and easy, and so many ways to make it look non-Home-Depot!), so I can’t even
count how many square miles of it I’d used and abandoned.

      NOT pictured: all the tools and materials I’d used for so long doing construction,
propmaking, candlemaking, etc. Even though my physically producing of haunts is over, I
can still MAKE unique thingies.  Easier and better money-to-headaches/risks/sweat ratio.

  (pics coming soon)….